Thursday, June 4, 2015

I won, I won, I won!

I won, I won, I won! Me, the fat girl with insomnia, sleep apnea, plantar fasciitis and a bad knee won the step challenge at work! (whew)

It's amazing how much free time I have now that the challenge is over. I actually have time to work on my blog more often and clean my apartment and shave my legs and.....oh the possibilities are endless.

All in all I am happy and so proud of myself and still a bit sore (even 4 days after it ended). I was able to see that with a little motivation like, ahem, some prize money, I could really push myself to the limit and it's definitely a good feeling.

Now I just have to share this "motivational" video my boyfriend sent me when I told him I won:


Until next time!


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